Country context

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Country context

Feminist contexts of Mediterranean countries, as written by journalists from the region.

Feminism in Greece: a brief overview

Mediterranean countries have a long way to go when it comes to achieving gender justice. The region’s sunny corner is no exception, as it is infected by the same long-lasting pandemic of gender-based violence, discrimination and femicides. An ongoing #MeTooGr movement, which started around 2020, reignited the feminist movement in Greece. The social justice warriors are now fighting to change sexist narratives and systemic inequalities.

Feminism in Malta: a brief overview

A stronghold of the Catholic Church, the small Mediterranean island nation of Malta’s culture and norms are firmly rooted in religious tradition. Despite the country progressing in civil freedoms, such as the introduction of the right to divorce in 2011 and a marked increase in female participation within the workforce, the fight for reproductive rights and against violence directed at women continues.

Feminism in Morocco: a brief overview

Since the 2000s, the status of women in Morocco has seen encouraging progress. Democratic openness has fostered the emergence of the movement of women, just as it has, conversely, contributed to the democratic transition. However, while progress is undeniable, gender parity has not been achieved and remains a major challenge for the country.

Feminism in Lebanon: a brief overview

In Lebanon, unlike most Arab countries, the state follows no religion. While equality between citizens is a principle enshrined in the constitution, it is not reflected in many of the legislations, measures and practices impacting different aspects of citizens’ lives, especially the personal status sectarian laws which govern most personal family affairs in the country.

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