Tag: Women living from and on the streets

The saleswomen of the Cairo metro: chased and harassed in times of economic collapse

Peddling saleswomen in the Cairo metro system are classified as informal workers, operating without an official work contract or social insurance. This category of workers has been ignored for years. But the stories of these saleswomen are harsh, and they can be read on their faces, on the constant fear and anxiety legible in their features.

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Female harkous painters in Tunisia: “We live in a society that neither sees us nor feels for us”

Female workers in the profession of harkous painting in Tunisia suffer from social rejection and are targeted by security forces. Though this profession is part of Tunisian heritage, it has not been given adequate care by the government, and the women who work in it face various violations in the streets, violations that are compounded by a miserable economic situation.

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Umm Youssef: The beloved coffee vendor guarding Damascus’s Bab Tuma Square

With her wrinkled face browned from the sun, her white hair and tired eyes, Umm Youssef watches the passersby in Bab Tuma Square in Damascus. Sometimes, she wanders away, but customers call her back and she rushes to make coffee in front of her car. Everything she needs is in that car, even the gas cylinder and material she needs to prepare hot drinks.

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Gaza: Women trying to survive under bombardment

The impact of the Israeli war has been even more severe on the women in Gaza. According to the Palestinian Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR), over 90% of women in Gaza have been forced to leave their homes to be housed in centers with no amenities. As a result, these women have found themselves having to live, work, and survive on the streets, with all the difficulties this entails.

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