Berlusconi and women, a heavy legacy
It is true that a person has died and, according to custom, we should not speak ill of the dead. But I will take an unpopular stance to remind us...
Monica Lanfranco is an Italian journalist, blogger, trainer and founder of the feminist quarterly “Marea” in 1994. She is the creator of the Radio Delle Donne podcast channel, has taught new media theory and technique at the University of Parma, and has been running the feminist training and seminar center, Altradimora, since 2008. Monica is also a book author, and her latest book, "Crescere uomini-le parole dei ragazzi su sessualità, pornografia, sessismo" (Growing up as a man: Teenagers' words about sexuality, pornography and sexism), was published by Erickson in 2019. Follow Monica’s work on her personal website: Monica Lanfranco, Radio Delle donne, Marea, Altradimora, Il Fatto Quotidiano.
It is true that a person has died and, according to custom, we should not speak ill of the dead. But I will take an unpopular stance to remind us...
Seen from the outside, political and cultural phase in Italy would even be interesting from the perspective of feminist analysis. For the first time since the end of the World...
I am grateful to Vicky Franzinetti who, together with Filomena Rosiello, organized an online meeting of major importance. This brought together three of the twelve North American activists of the...
I am grateful to Vicky Franzinetti who, together with Filomena Rosiello, organized an online meeting of major importance. This brought together three of the twelve North American activists of the...
“Go and rape Ukrainian women. But don't tell me anything, I don't want to know anything, do you understand?” This was a part of the chilling phone conversation between a...
" Patriarchy is not only external. It is well anchored in the body and spirit of our adversaries. It is also inside us, and this remains the most difficult part...
A magazine cover announcing a baby bump, a new life… but this time the pregnant person wore a beard and moustache. “Diversity is a source of enrichment,” reads the headline....
In Italy, law protects abortion, at least on paper. But in practice, women are faced with a national average of conscientious objectors reaching up to 70%, and over 90% in...
I cannot get used to the frequent use of the term “war” in the context of the fight against Covid-19. “We are at war”, “We must win this war.” Everyone...
What are the ten most important women's rights bills that have been passed since the post-war period until this day in Italy?
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