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In order to launch the MedfemiNiswiya platform, the first of things was to pronounce this name with all its multidimensional aspects. It took time to mould into this verbal, undulating chimera, stemming from the waves and shores of the Mediterranean. MedfemiNiswiya: a seashell-sounding title, rustling in the Latin language coupled with Arabic, which turns up with the N of Niswiya (Read our mission here).
It was summer 2018, the network of activist ants that we are met in Altradimora for the first time, in a welcoming Women’s House in the Italian region of Piedmont.

Since then, we, the initiators have been keen for this “chimera”, painstakingly forged over three years of discussions and sharing. Today, we are launching the first information campaign revolving around the platform and it will not be the last one. Our strength of conviction and our benevolent energy have prevailed over machismo, paternalism and patriarchy. MedfemiNiswiya has beautiful days ahead…
Our dream is to see equality consecrated in all fields, and to be able to make it available to read, to hear and to browse in all directions and with all our senses. From our smartphones or any other connected device, the conscientious little ants that we are, will share reports, editors’ picks, articles and podcasts with you, with the firm intention of regularly informing you on the advances and challenges of equality in at least 3 languages.
What is the most talked about subject on social media in our region today? Sexuality. Another taboo that is breaking! Let us rejoice and continue our journey. Along the way, we will see how great liberation movements can be driven by endless networks and tiny associations. And that as many women and men possible share our energy and conviction!
Yallah, avanti ragazze, allez les filles, go ahead and be ahead of one’s time!