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France will be the first nation in the world to include this fundamental right in its Constitution. Let’s hope that this message is heard in all countries that have yet to recognize women’s freedom to control their own bodies, and in all those that call this right into question.
This is also addressed to the European Union, which has not included the freedom to access abortion in its Charter of Fundamental Rights. The next European elections in June 2024 may be an opportunity to develop the Charter in this direction.
Everywhere in France, different kinds of actions are being organized around International Women’s Day (IWD) on March 8: gatherings, exhibits, conferences-debates, screenings of feminist filmmakers, etc.
Solidarité Femmes (Fédération Nationale Solidarité Femmes-FNSF) will be mobilized in Paris against sexist and sexual violence alongside feminist associations and collectives. FNSF is a signatory of the call for demonstrations launched by the #Grèveféministe (#feministstrike).
The meeting time is set for 2:00 PM in front of the town hall of the 20th arrondissement in Paris. Also join us throughout France in your departments! All local mobilizations can be found on the #Grèveféministe website.
Actions all over France
From March 4 to 10, Lyon is highlighting the history of feminism, past and current activist movements, and various feminist initiatives. Among the notable events offered within Lyon’s “Feminist Week”: urban walks wearing walking shoes and feminist glasses, archery, women’s cinema, etc.
Then, a detour though the history of feminism between the 19th and 20th centuries: a conference on “Women involved in Lyon” by Marianne Thivend, teacher-researcher at the Université Lumière Lyon 2 on Wednesday, March 6 at 6:00 PM.
The debate is followed by a screening of the film Les Filles d’Olfa by Tunisian director Kaouther Ben Hania. The film was selected at Cannes in 2023. After this movie, which denounces the manipulation and oppression that fundamentalists exert on women, the association Femmes contre les intégrismes proposes a conference-debate on secularism. The law on laïcité, born in France in 1905, protects women and communities from any hegemonic power. Applying laïcité without borders is a major democratic issue, especially now, a few months before the elections in Europe. This will take place in the presence of Jacqueline Costa-Lascoux, a doctor in law and a sociologist, on March 7 at the MJC in Saint-Jean, at 6:00 PM.
There is also a large collection of feminist archives. The initiative was launched last year by the Equality Council and was organized by the City of Lyon. It will be popularized by feminists who will set up a stand on the Place des Archives municipales in Lyon (next to the Perrache station). Associations and their activists will be able to deposit their archives there and obtain information on the procedures for donating and classifying these archives. This is happening on March 7 and 8.
On March 7, at 7:00 PM, the movie AZAR will be screened at the Institut français de civilisation musulmane (IFCM) in the presence of director Malik Bourkache, who delicately filmed three Kabyle women carrying out their daily activities.
Child-parent workshops are also being offered this year:
“Parlons d'égalité” (Let’s talk about equality): Saturday, March 9 at 10:45 AM. Parent-child meeting (5 to 12 years old).
“Échangeons autour de la question du genre” (Let’s talk about gender): Saturday, March 9 from 3 to 5 PM, at Lyon City Hall. Workshops organized by the dynamic Filactions association.
Program available here.