Olfa Belhassine is a Tunisian journalist who has been working with the Tunisian daily “La Presse” since 1990. After the 2011 protests, her articles started appearing in “Libération”, “Le Monde” and “Courrier International”, a testament to her extensive experience as a journalist reporting from Tunisia during President Ben Ali's rule and after his fall. In 2013, Olfa was awarded the first journalism prize of the “Center of Arab Women” for her investigative work on customary marriage in Tunisia, published in “La Presse.” Olfa has also been corresponding since 2015 for the JusticeInfo.net, a website specializing in transitional justice around the world. Olfa Belhassone and Hedia Barkat have published a book titled 'Ces nouveaux mots qui font la Tunisie' (These new words that make Tunisia), providing an in-depth exploration of the political transition in Tunisia after the revolution.
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© 2023 Medfeminiswiya - Mediterranean Network for Feminist Information