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Who we are
Med is for Mediterranean and Media - feminiswiya is for Feminist in French and English, combined with niswiya for Feminist in Arabic.
"Medfeminiswiya" is a feminist network that brings together women journalists working in the media and content production fields across the Mediterranean region.
By fostering a culture that embraces both diversity and solidarity among Mediterranean women journalists, our network will strive to amplify their voices and empower them to produce their own content, primarily through the “Medfeminiswiya” online platform, while encouraging them to come together, support each other and organize collectively through regular group discussions, face to face meetings and feminist conferences.

As Medfeminiswiya members, we commit our media efforts to dismantling dominant patriarchal narratives in the public sphere and to offering Arabophone, Francophone and Anglophone users from the region a global view of feminist-interest stories and a different vision for what credible and thought-provoking content could mean. With the multilingual content we provide, we attempt to reduce the information gap and strengthen human bonds and connections between the different Mediterranean subregions. We will achieve this by:
a) Keeping the public from Mediterranean subregions informed about and engaged in events that affect women in other subregions as well as their own;
b) Improving the visibility and appreciation of women’s productions and labor across the region;
c) Highlighting the stories, common struggles, challenges and achievements of women and girls in the Mediterranean region;
d) Covering the actions of feminist movements and reviving constructive debates among feminists.
Medfeminiswiya aspires to become the space its members imagine, and the platform they desire. We will endeavour to become a safe space for women working in the media sector by committing to uphold the principles of diversity, equality, freedom of expression, solidarity, trust and kindness among women journalists.
Our network believes that women and girls deserve public platforms and spaces that are free from traditional male-dominated newsrooms, hate speech, exclusion, and misogyny.
By prioritizing initiatives and content that challenge oppressive norms and practices, we hope to inspire women journalists to produce more of what they want, and work together more often!
Meet our team
The Medfeminiswiya platform is carried by the eponymous association. Its content is produced by a network of women journalists from different countries around the Mediterranean.

Françoise Kayser - President of the Medfeminiswiya Association
Has worked in different media organizations and institutions. Co-produced the guide « Madam, you have rights! » (50,000 copies distributed) and participated in many Euro-Mediterranean events, including the Caravanières from the South.

Samia Allalou - Co-president, responsible for the Medfeminiswiya project
Samia was born in Blida, Algeria, in a modest family. After studying journalism at the University of Algiers, she applied for a TV casting call and ended up presenting over two years a TV show called “Bled Music” that was very popular, especially among young ...

Maya El Ammar - Co-editor-in-chief, responsible for the Arabic version of
Maya El Ammar is a feminist writer, activist and communications professional who has led nationwide feminist media campaigns on issues related to family violence, child marriage, personal status laws and the kafala system ...

Nathalie Galesne - Co-editor-in-chief, responsible for the French version of
Nathalie Galesne is the founder of the online magazines and She has collaborated with several media outlets, includi...

Chaimae Zouhiri - Web editor
Chaimae Zouhiri majored in "Languages for Business Communication" at the University of Siena, Italy. She is the web editor of...

Cristiana Scoppa - project manager and journalist
Cristiana Scoppa was born in Rome, from a father from Naples, the metropolis on the Mediterranean Sea, and a mother, from German Kiel, a port on the cold North Sea...